Downtown Seattle Engagement | Kodiak + Madison
“Born and raised 10 minutes from each other, we met halfway across the country as flight crew members two and a half years ago. Co-workers had tried to set us up for months before but it wasn’t until we both specifically prayed for an opportunity to meet that God opened that door for us. We have a remarkably long list of crazy common ground (my favorite is a home video of us in the same church playing together) that we are continuing to piece together as we plan our wedding and experience God’s undeniable sovereignty” - Madison
I couldn’t tell this story better myself if I tried…. But all I’ll say is that their story is one of my favorites! Despite both growing up in Seattle just minutes away from each other, Kodiak and Madison first met while working in the sky, him as a pilot and her a flight attendant! And for this sentimental couple, Kodiak and Madison made it a point to incorporate their history into their future as they start their next chapter!!
What stood out to me most when I met these two was how they made sure to keep their Seattle engagement session as authentic and genuine to them as a couple. From the local airfield and downtown Seattle rooftop settings, to the way they dressed and interacted with one another, their whole goal was to just be as comfortable and confident with who they were and what they valued as possible! Oh and to celebrate their next chapter!

So in the spirit of inspiration, I wanted to share a few ideas and tips for you to keep your couple, engagement or wedding photos as authentic as possible!! Afterall, the trends will fade, but your story will always be timeless….
Reflect on your story, so that your photos tell it:
When it comes to planning the location of your session, one of the best places to shoot at is the place where the most or the best memories are! Whether it's at the park you like to go for picnics at, trails you hike or farmers markets you visit every weekend. Choosing a location that is part of your story will make your photos that much more special!
Some questions to ask yourself: Where did we meet? Got engaged? What’s our favorite coffee shop or restaurant, favorite thing to do? What are some of our similar passions? What’s at the center of our relationship? What were you doing when you think back to your favorite memory with your person?
Be honest to get yourself comfortable!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the best way to get the photos you’ll love forever is to be comfortable when you take them!! Whichever location or outfit you choose, these photos aren’t just something to check off your to-do list (Christmas cards? Save the Dates?), they’re about documenting your current chapter in life!! So whether you really enjoy being at home or going out, are starting a new stage in your relationship or just enjoying where you are with your life and want to remember it, keep your gallery as honest to you as possible!! PS if you’re worried about outfits, you’ll look beautiful in a gown, hiking boots, swimsuit or sweats as long as your smile is an honest one!!
Some questions to ask yourself: Do we prefer nights at home or in the town? Where do we spend most of our time? If we had the weekend free, where would we go (a happy place!)? Are you homebodies? Where is your favorite place to be? Home, a bar, a park, beach or mountains? Your photos should reflect what is important to you.
Picture your life together!
Of course while the session is still in its planning phase we’ll talk about what you want your gallery to look like and the vibe you're going for. But when you're trying to translate your ideas from your head to a visual, allow yourself to get creative with your vision board on Pinterest! Create a board based on both the life you currently live and want to live with your person! When you can see a visual representation of what your life is and what you hope it will be, the planning of the location, outfits, and story you're trying to tell becomes a million times easier and makes your photos way more authentic to you!
Some questions to ask yourself: Are we adventurous with late nights on the town or are we more homebodies (maybe eventual homebodies with pets or kids)? What vacations did we love or hope to take (the beach, mountains, Europe maybe??) What are some of your favorite lifestyle inspo pins in your account? What really speaks to you?
Morale of the post my friends, get thinking about what makes your relationship so unique! These engagement, wedding and couples trends we see on Instagram and Pinterest all started out this way: by telling a unique story!! So whether your location or outfit changes a few times in your session, or you’ve now finished this post with more questions than answers, that’s okay because no one can be you like you can! Own whatever it is that makes you unique and let that shine through!!
And hey, if you decide to pick a spot that’s completely new to your story, heck yea!!! Here’s to making new memories!!!