Never in a million years did I ever think that my love for singing would ever go this far. There's things that I always dreamed of accomplishing and writing my own songs for the world to hear was never one of them. If you told me a few years ago, when I first started taking vocal lessons, that I would have my very own songs released, I would of never believed you. But here I am, doing exactly that.

God has taken me on an incredible journey, made the dreams that I never thought I had, come true. I honestly wouldn't have come this far, wouldn't have written any songs, let alone release them if it weren't for His divine plan for my life and Him guiding me every step of the way.

He has stirred in my heart, a deep love and passion for singing and writing songs to inspire and encourage others. Music is my escape and it’s where I feel God’s presence the closest.

I pray that my songs inspire you, uplift you, and encourage you. And if you ever need a prayer, I'd love to pray for you.


Find my songs here:


+ available where ever else you listen to your music on

other links:

+ To You Alone Chords